Five Top Ways To Keep And Accomplish New Year’s Resolutions (That You Might Not Have Thought Of)

If you’re currently feeling like you’ve lost track of your business goals, this article will help you give you some quick and easy strategies to help you take control and take inspired action toward those objectives (no matter if it’s a new year, new month, or random Tuesday!)

When you’re done reading this article, you’ll:

- Get five quick tips to keep you focused and motivated to accomplish big business objectives

Including quick and easy strategies to help you become
- 42% more successful 
- 95% more likely to achieve a goal

Then somewhere in the middle of January, reality kicks in, the wheels come off, we lose our mojo, and just like that, January 22nd becomes the most depressing day of the year. But what would it be like if you could keep your focus and dedication? If you could be in possibility mode all year long, what would you be able to accomplish then?Imagine what your life and business would be like if you could accomplish all your goals.

Here are my five tried and tested tips to keep you focused and motivated to accomplish your New Year's resolutions:

1. Make sure you set goals that are SMART.

This means your goals are:

  • Specific

  • They are measurable and achievable/attainable, 

  • Realistic (and I like to add - somewhat risky), 

  • And last but not least, they have a timeline (deadline).

2. Know why you want to accomplish these goals and be sure that they hold intrinsic value to you.

Intrinsic goals are goals that will personally bring you joy etc., when they are achieved. For example, you want to add five new clients to increase revenue because it will make you feel excited and proud about your business. This is a goal you’re setting for yourself, so it’s intrinsic. 

This same goal would become extrinsic if you were looking to add those new clients to keep up with the competition or impress others. 

3. Sprinkle in some daily positive anchors and reminders of your goals and what it will be like when you achieve them.

According to a study done by Dr. Gail Matthews and featured on CNBC:

“you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams simply by writing them down on a daily basis.”

So be sure to write those goals down! 

Take it a step further:

Imagine what would happen if you took this a step further and incorporated visual reminders of your life and business goals throughout your day. Keeping your business goals top of mind will help you to keep taking action towards achieving them.

Here are some examples of goal anchors that you can implement in your daily routine and environment:

  • Set reminders in your calendar.

  • Have pictures that remind you of your goals on your desk or quotes as your screen saver. 

  • Make sure that where ever you turn, you have positive reinforcements to help you stay motivated and focused.

4) Become 95% more successful by enlisting an accountability partner.

A study done by American Society of Training & Development (now called The Association for Talent Development (ATD)) found that you are 95% more likely to succeed when you enlist a third party to help you stay accountable.

As a high-achieving entrepreneur, I know that you’re already a very disciplined individual. And I also know that there are a lot of unforeseen circumstances that pop up in business every day, which can throw you off course. 

One of the major reasons clients invest to work with me is to help them stay focused, even if things get hectic (which they always do).

The bonus of having a business coach by your side is three-fold:

1 - They’ll help you to continue taking action toward your goal

2 - They’ll help you solve any issues

3 - They’ll help you create the bandwidth needed to focus on your goals while also managing other important business tasks. 

All of the above will give you the accountability you need to break through to the next level of growth and freedom. Interested in hiring a coach? Book your complimentary coaching session with me here

Want an accountability group?

An accountability group is an excellent way to enlist others to help you stay focused, get more organized, and accountable to your goals.

Check out the Business Growth Achievers, our vetted cross-industry accountability group, where members participate in the weekly accountability call to complete their Business Growth Acceleration Tracker together, celebrating milestones and supporting each other's growth! Click here to learn more about this stellar rockstar community.

5) Forgive yourself and get back at it.

Be sure to be kind to yourself if you slip up or make a mistake. This one may be last on the list, but it shouldn't be viewed as less important than the others. Being an entrepreneur is already a grueling job, and being hard on yourself won’t do you any favors. As a business owner, you need to be kind to yourself and practice forgiveness and self-love.

By using these tips, my clients and I have been able to accomplish so much, and I hope these tips will help you as well!

Looking for more tips to help you set and achieve goals? Here are other useful blogs:

  • The importance of setting goals.

  • Five Effective Goal-Setting Strategies

If you liked what you read here, here’s how you can get more support from me to become the best entrepreneur you can be:


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Case Study with Lydia Thibodeau, Founder and Owner of Sommet Nannies