Three Strategies To Maintain Motivation And Achieve Business Success Faster

If you’ve landed here today, you may very well be feeling frustrated or unhappy with your business growth to-date. And it’s completely understandable, as a high-achieving entrepreneur you have big lofty ambitions - and you also wanted to achieve those faster! 

So how do you balance your beautiful ambition and still be happy where you’re at now?

In this article, I’m sharing three strategies to help you be happier and accelerate your business growth.

Bonus: These strategies will also fuel your motivation and satisfaction and help you to achieve your goals faster. 

The three strategies to help you be happier and achieve business success faster:

1 - Understanding what motivates you to grow bigger:

We also live in a society that has taught us that more is better. But when it comes to business, bigger isn’t always better. 

A bigger business will present new challenges and be more complicated than a smaller business.

So as an entrepreneur it’s important to understand why you want to go bigger – and also make sure that bigger still reaps great profit margins.

Having worked with clients who’ve doubled their revenue working with me, it’s been interested to see how these business owner’s why shift.

At the beginning of the entrepreneurial journey money is very motivating to them, as well as the fullfilment of getting their busineenss to a certain level. But then as their business grows there’s a point where the motivation shifts to something that goes beyond the business owner itself.

As they start thinking bigger and get more decentralized from their business, the topic of impact becomes more important as well as sustainability.

No matter what your motivation, understanding your why for growing your business to the next level will help you to be excited and happy during any stage of your business.

Watch this quick video with three exercises to help you figure out what will be big enough for you!

2 - Celebrate your progress often!

As a high-achieving business owner it’s very common to immediately shift to your next goal and how you’ll achieve it, without taking a minute to celebrate your current achievement. 

Which can put entrepreneurs in a constant state of dissatisfaction that eventually lead to frustration and anger. 

This is usually where a lot of business owners are when they enroll to work with me. And the first exercise I give them is to send me three wins daily. They’re always a little resistant to this exercise but are amazed at how quickly this exercise shifts their energy from frustration to delight. 

And when business owners are happy they accomplish even bigger goals! This is such a popular exercise with my clients, that I’ve included it in the Business Growth Acceleration Worksheet that my clients use to keep them focused and motivated to achieve their goals faster, and easier!

3  - Stop comparing your growth with others

Being aware of what your competitors are up to can be helpful for a variety of reasons. But its important that you release additional pressure you’re putting on yourself and your business by comparing yourself to them 24/7. 

It’s important to remember that all business owners will have very different goals and motivations for growth. When you try to keep up with the jones and trends of your competitors, it’s very easy to lose sight of the very qualities that make your business unique but it’s also going to deter you from achieving your bespoke vision for your business, life, and employees. 

 A great resource to ensure that your business stands out among your competitors, without falling into a sabotaging comparison spiral is the book Blue Oceans Strategy. 

“BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY presents a systematic approach to making the competition irrelevant and outlines principles and tools any organization can use to create and capture their own blue oceans.”

And there you have it, three easy strategies that will help you to be happy at any stage in your business. 

Looking for more tips to help you build a fulfilling business faster? Read this article:
- Reflection as a growth strategy. 

If you liked what you read here, here’s how you can get more support from me to become the best entrepreneur you can be:


Case Study: Janie Jennings, Pilates Studio Owner


The One Word You Need To Save Time And Energy - And Grow Your Business