How Can I Grow My Business Faster?

As a high-achieving entrepreneur, I know you’re always looking for ways to grow your business faster. And it’s important to be discerning about what strategies you decide to implement.

As an entrepreneur, who’s built two award-winning businesses in under five years – and who’s been in business for over a decade now, I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t.

And when you stick with me through this article today, you’ll learn:

Remember, no matter what strategy you implement – it’s important to track the process and progress to see if the strategy is in fact working and/or where adjustments may be needed.

Let's dive into it.

The six strategies that will help you grow your business faster:

1) Always have a vision

If you don’t have a vision, it will be very difficult to create a strategic and effective plan. To get clarity on your vision answer these questions:
What is it that you want to achieve? How will you grow? A plan and a vision is important.

It’s also important to remember that our vision for our business will evolve and change over time, so ensure that you do effective business planning often. I host a yearly retreat, where I guide our guests through a powerful day of business planning. You can check it out here.

2) Consistency is key 

As an established entrepreneur, I know that you already know this, and yet – when we get sucked into the day-to-day of our business it can be incredibly hard to stay consistent with new goals or strategies we are trying to implement. Therefore it’s important to pick a cadence that you know you and your team can stick to and will ensure you consistently take action toward your goals. 

3) Schedule focus time

You know the good old saying - “if it’s not scheduled, it’s not real”. So be sure to block off time in your schedule to focus on those higher level tasks that you know will move the dial. Which brings us to our next step…

4) Work on your business

As your business continues to get bigger it’s very important that you build in time to focus working on your business vs in it. If you’re constantly getting stuck in the weeds of your business, you’ll quickly lose sight of your bigger vision and the best and more effective ways to get there.

That’s why my clients love the Business Growth Acceleration Worksheet, this nifty resource helps them to refocus on the factors that will drive growth and forces them to take time to work on their business.

5) Outsource all the low-revenue tasks

It’s important that you keep outsourcing everything that’s not in your wheelhouse or that’s low-revenue tasks. Hiring rockstar team members who can help you execute things better and faster will save you time and ensure that you accelerate your business growth.

6) Hire a coach or consultant

The bigger your business gets, the more isolated you may start to feel. And at that point there are certain subjects that you won’t be able to discuss with anyone else. It’s here where a coach or consultant can be an extremely valuable asset to help you process specific challenges, shift your perspective or provide strategic advice to help you grow to the next level in your business. A coach will also keep you accountable and get you to your desired outcome much faster than if you did it all alone. I wrote a more in-depth article on how a business coach can help you here.

And there you have it – six strategies that will help you to accelerate your business growth! 

If you liked what you read here, here’s how you can get more support from me to become the best entrepreneur you can be:

If you’re in or around Boston yourself, you might also enjoy: Wanted: Business coach, Boston.


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